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The Legacy of Androva Series

Being Positive About Writing

There is no escaping the fact that writing can be tough. Most writers (including me!) have to make time for it as best they can, usually fitting it in around their day jobs and family time. And let's not forget the importance of reading! I wouldn't be able to write at all if I weren't, first and foremost, an enthusiastic reader.

This quote sums it up pretty well:

However, there are also lots of reasons to be positive about being a writer, which is what today's blog post is all about. I wanted to remind myself, and anyone reading this, that everyone finds it difficult, and persistence pays off. Most importantly, if you want to write, then write! 😊

Before you start, remember:

Here is something to think about while you're writing:

And to wrap things up:

After I finish this post, I'm going back to my current work-in-progress, which is the seventh and final book in the Legacy of Androva series. How are you spending your weekend--reading or writing? If you are a writer, do you have any favourite inspirational quotes? Thank you for visiting my blog today!

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